Information for Investors
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For information related on how to invest with RCP, follow the Investor Inquiries link below and complete the form. Once received, a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

We purchased on Carolina Cove in 2014 from a Philadelphia-based debt fund which had foreclosed on the asset two years prior. It's now one of five off-campus properties to be listed on the university's website as approved off-campus housing overflow
For Existing Investors

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Current or former investors can access their statements, performance and other information via the Investor Login link below.

We purchased on Carolina Cove in 2014 from a Philadelphia-based debt fund which had foreclosed on the asset two years prior. It's now one of five off-campus properties to be listed on the university's website as approved off-campus housing overflow
Realco Capital Partners, LLC
262 Harbor Drive, 3rd Floor
Stamford, CT 06902

P: 203.588.1461
E: [email protected]
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